Monday, June 2, 2014

Fantastic New Cookbook from a Sea Shepherd Chef

"Think! Eat! Act!" is a terrific new cookbook from Raffaella Tolicetti,  In the "Think" section, she  discusses her days on the Sea Shepherd.  Tolicetti describes the perils of cooking in high seas during anti-whaling campaigns.  She also provides facts and figures on veganism, animal welfare, environmental issues, gardening, cooking, etc.   There is a chart on how to get your essential nutrients on a vegan diet. 

The "Eat" portion of the book shares creative vegan recipes with large pictures of the completed dish.  I am thoroughly enjoying these recipes!  They are pretty easy and don't contain too many ingredients.

The final section, "Act," gives information on activism and how you can help.

"Think! Eat! Act!" was funded through Kickstarter and produced by Microcosm Publishing.  It is now available through in paperback and Kindle versions. 

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